Wyndham Wise

Wyndham Wise is a Canadian film historian, critic and publisher. He founded and edited Take One: Film & Television in Canada (ISSN 1192-5507, OCLC 60624126), a Canadian magazine, which published from 1992 to 2006. Wise taught film studies at Algoma University (1985 & 1988) and York University (1987–88), and media writing and film studies at Sheridan College (1989–93). Wise served as the last Toronto reporter for Cinema Canada magazine (1988–89) and launched POV magazine in 1990 for the Canadian Independent Film Caucus (now the Documentary Organization of Canada). In 1997 he founded the Toronto Film Critics Association, and launched Canadian Screenwriter for the Writers Guild of Canada in 1998. From 2008–11 he was the editor of Canadian Cinematographer. His web page is www.wyndhamsfilmguide.ca.

In 2001, Wise edited Take One's Essential Guide to Canadian Cinema, published by the University of Toronto Press, a history of Canadian film.[1][2][3]
